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  • お客様の個人情報保護指針について





代表取締役社長 堀内 康隆



(1) お客様の個人情報
① 当社が提供するサービス(以下、「本サービス」といいます。)に関する登録の受付、審査および本人確認・認証のため
② 本サービスにおいて提供される商品の提示、注文の受付、商品の送付等、本サービスおよびアフターサービスの提供のため
③ 本サービスの維持・改善および当社が提供する商品・サービスの開発・改善等のため
④ 本サービスに関するご案内、代金のご請求に関する連絡、お問い合わせ等への対応、本サービスに適用される各種規約等の変更等の通知のため
⑤ 本サービスにおいて提供される物品その他当社が提供する物品のお取置き・後日お渡しに関するご連絡のため
⑥ 当社または提携第三者が実施する各種イベントのご案内、応募者・参加者へのご連絡、賞品・景品等の送付・提供、その他イベントの運営のため
⑦ 当社、ブックオフグループホールディングス株式会社およびその他当社の関連会社(ブックオフグループホールディングス株式会社が直接または間接に出資する国内企業であり、具体的にはhttps://www.bookoffgroup.co.jp/corporate/group.htmlに記載された同社の国内子会社をいいます。以下、「グループ会社」といいます。)、ブックオフ加盟店ならびにその他第三者の宣伝・広告(お客様の売買履歴やウェブサイト等の閲覧履歴等の情報を分析して行う、お客様に応じた宣伝・広告・商品等の提案を含 みます。)のため
⑧ 当社、グループ会社、ブックオフ加盟店およびその他提携第三者のための各種アンケート調査等、商品・サービスに関するお客様からのご意見・ご感想を取得するため
⑨ 当社、グループ会社、ブックオフ加盟店およびその他提携第三者のために行う商品・サービスの売上・お客様動向等の分析のため
⑩ サービス代金等の決済に関係する与信判断、債権管理、不正行為等の防止および不正行為等への対応等を行うため
⑪ CS 活動
① 取引上必要なご連絡、契約の履行等のため
② 取引先情報の管理のため
② 採用選考のため


① 法令に基づく場合
② 人の生命、身体または財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
③ 公衆衛生の向上または児童の健全な育成の推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき
④ 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体またはその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、ご本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき
⑤ 当該第三者が学術研究機関等である場合であって、当該第三者が当該個人データを学術研究目的で取り扱う必要があるとき(当該個人データを取り扱う目的の一部が 学術研究目的である場合を含み、個人の権利利益を不当に侵害するおそれがある場合を除きます。)
⑥ 利用目的達成に必要な範囲内において個人情報の取扱いを委託する場合
⑦ 合併その他の事由による事業の承継に伴う場合
⑧ 「3.」に定める共同利用をするために共同利用者に提供する場合
(2) 前項の規定にかかわらず、当社は、「1.」③⑦⑨に掲げる目的のため、個人情報の全部または一部を第三者に提供する場合があります。この場合の提供先等については、以下のURL をご参照ください。



「1.個人情報の取得・利用目的 (1)お客様の個人情報」に記載した利用目的
代表取締役社長 堀内 康隆





(1)個人情報保護法に基づき当社が保有する保有個人データの利用目的の通知、開示、訂正・追加・削除、利用の停止・消去・第三者への提供の停止、第三者提供記録の開示の ご請求がなされた場合は、ご本人からのご請求であることおよび同法に定める要件を満たしていることを確認の上、遅滞なく通知・開示し、または必要な範囲で訂正等もしくは利用停止等を行います。但し、同法その他の法令により、当社がこれらの義務を負わない場合は、この限りではありません。
(2)上記(1)のご請求および個人情報の取扱いに関するお問い合わせや苦情のお申し出をされる場合は、以下のお問い合わせ窓口までご連絡ください。なお、保有個人データ、第三者提供記録の開示については、その開示方法に応じた手数料3,000 円(税抜)をご請求させていただきます。


当社チェーンは、お客様(アプリケーションソフトの利用者を含みます。)に対し、近隣店舗、おすすめ商品等をご案内させていただくため及びサービスの向上のために、クッキー(cookie)を含むお客様の識別情報、サイト内の行動履歴情報(WEB サイト内及び店舗内)、アプリケーションソフトにより計測する位置情報ならびにご使用のデバイス及びアプリケーションに関する情報と接続情報(お客様の個人情報を含みますがそれに限りません。)を取得し、利用します。その他、インターネット上での標準技術で取得可能な情報を取得し、分析業務に利用することがあります。

当社チェーンは当社チェーンのクッキーをお客様のコンピュータに保存し、参照することがあります。クッキーを利用することで、当社チェーンはWebブラウザまたは公式アプリを通して、当サイト内でのお客様の行動履歴などの情報を収集することができます。 また当社は、当社チェーンのクッキーにより収集した情報を、当社チェーンの提携先に提供することがあります。



なお、当サイトは、当サイトの広告の配信を委託するLINE ヤフー、Google への委託に基づき、LINE ヤフー、Google を経由して、当サイトのクッキーを保存し、参照する場合があります。

Google 広告のオプトアウトページ( https://support.google.com/ads/answer/2662922?hl=ja
Yahoo! 広告のオプトアウトページ( http://btoptout.yahoo.co.jp/optout/preferences.html
AppsFlyer 広告のオプトアウトページ( https://www.appsflyer.com/optout
アクティブコア 広告のオプトアウトページ( https://www.activecore.jp/optout.php


ブックオフ お客様相談窓口

BOOKOFF CORPORATION LIMITED ("the Company", “our company” or “we”) establishes the following privacy policy regarding the protection of personal information. We endeavor to establishan internal system, implement, and maintain measures, and continuously improve these measures.

Privacy Policy


BOOKOFF CORPORATION LIMITED manages personal information appropriately in accordance with the Bookoff Group Privacy Policy. Below is a list of public announcements regarding our management of personal information:

2-14-20 Kobuchi, Minami-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
President and CEO Yasutaka Horiuchi

1.Collection and Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We collect custmer’s personal information thorough lawful and fair means. The purposes for which we use personal information are as follows:

(1) Personal Information of Customers
① Registration and verification/authentication of individuals related to the services we provide ("the Service").
② Provision of the Service, including presentation of products, order processing, shipping of products, and after-sales services.
③ Maintenance and improvement of the Service, as well as the development and improvement of products and services provided.
④ Providing information about the Service, contact regarding payment requests, responding to inquiries, and notifying about changes in various terms and conditions applicable to the Service.
⑤ Contacting customers regarding the the storage and later delivery of goods provided in the Service and other goods provided by the Company.
⑥ Providing information about various events conducted by us or affiliated third parties,contacting applicants/participants, sending/providing prizes or gifts, and managing other events.
⑦ Advertising and promotion, including the analysis of customer transaction history and browsing history on websites, for tailored advertising, promotions, and product recommendations by us,BOOKOFF GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED, and other affiliated companies. Affiliated companies refer to domestic subsidiaries of BOOKOFF GROUP HOLDINGS LIMITED,which are directly or indirectly invested in. Specifically, they include the domestic subsidiaries listed on the Group Companies page of our website(https://www.bookoffgroup.co.jp/en/corporate/group.html),Bookoff franchise stores, and other third parties.
⑧ Collecting opinions from customers regarding our products and services thorough various surveys conducted by us, Group Companies, Bookoff franchise stores, and other affiliated third parties.
⑨ Analyzing sales and customer trends related to products and services on behalf of our company,Group Companies, Bookoff franchise stores, and other affiliated third parties.
⑩ Conducting credit assessment, credit management, preventing fraudulent activities related to service fees and payments, and responding to such activities.
⑪ Customer Satisfication activities.
(2)Personal Information of Business Partners
① Contacting customers and fulfilling contracts required for business transactions.
② Managing customer information related to business partners.
(3)Personal Information of Recruits and Applicants
① For contacting and providing various information to recruits and applicants.
② For employment selection purposes.
③For employment procedures after the decision to hire is made.

2.Providing Personal Information to Third Parties

(1)We do not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, except in the following cases:
① In accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations.
② When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and obtaining the consent of the individual is difficult.
③ When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children, but obtaining the consent of the individual is difficult.
④ When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, local government, or individual entrusted by them to perform duties prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual may impede the execution of such duties.
⑤ When it is necessary for a third party, such as an academic research institution, to handle the personal data for academic research purposes, except where there is a risk of unjustified infringement on the rights and interests of individuals.
⑥ When outsourcing the handling of personal information within the scope necessary for achieving the purpose of use.
⑦ When it is necessary for business succession planning due to merger or other reasons.
⑧ When providing to joint users for joint use as prescribed in 3.
(2) Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, we may provide all or part of the personal information to the third party for the purposes listed in 1.③⑦ and ⑨. Please refer to the following URL for information on the parties:

3.Joint Use of Personal Information

We jointly use customer’s personal information as follows:

(1)Items of personal information for joint use:
Customer's name, address, phone number, and transaction history
(2)Scope of Joint Use:
The Company, group companies, our franchise stores, and group company franchise stores
(3)Purpose of Joint Use
The purpose of use described in “1. Collection and purpose of use of personal information, (1) Personal information of customers”
(4)Name, address, and representative responsible for the management of joint use of personal information:
2-14-20 Kobuchi, Minami-ku, Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan
President and CEO Yasutaka Horiuchi

4.Security Management Measures

The details of our security management measure to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information are as follows:

(1)Establishment of Internal Rules
We establish regulations for managing personal information at each stage of acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion, and disposal.
(2)Organizational Security Management Measures
We appoint a management division and a person in charge of managing personal information. We have established a reporting system for the management division and the person in charge to report any violations of laws and regulations or signs thereof. Additionally, we operate a verification process to understand the handling of personal information.
(3)Human Security Management Measures
We incorporate guidelines for managing personal information and confidentiality into various regulations. Additionally, we conduct regular education for our officers and employees.
(4)Physical Security Management Measures
We limit access to areas where personal information is managed and implement measures such as locking, surveillance, and access control. Moreover, when using devices, electronic media, or documents for managing personal information, we implement measures to prevent theft or loss.
(5)Technical Security Management Measures
We implement access controls for personal information, limiting access to authorized personnel. Additionally, we introduce mechanisms to protect information systems managing personal information from unauthorized access.
(6)Management in Foreign Countries
When managing personal information in foreign countries, we first understand the systems related to the protection of personal information in those countries. Subsequently, we regularly review and, as necessary, reassess the measures required for ensuring the security management of personal information.

5.Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, and Inquiries Regarding Personal Data

(1)In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, if a request is made by the individual for notification, disclosure, correction, addition and/or deletion, suspension of use, elimination, cessation of provision to third parties, or disclosure of records of provision to third parties held by our company, we will promptly respond after confirming that the request is from the individual and meets the requirements stipulated in the Act. However, this does not apply if our company is not obligated under the Act or other laws and regulations.
(2)If you wish to make a request as described in (1) above or have inquiries or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the following support desk; please note that a fee of 3,000 yen (excluding tax) will be charged for the disclosure of personal data and records provided to third parties, depending on the method of disclosure.

6.Regarding Cookies and others

Our chain store collects and uses various types of information, including Cookies, to guide customers (including users of application software) to nearby stores, recommend products, and improve services. This includes identification information of customers, browsing history within the website and stores, location information measured by application software, and information about the devices and applications used by customers, along with connection information (which includes, but is not limited to personal information). Additionally, our chain store may aquire and use information available through standard technologies on the internet for analysis purposes.

Our chain store may store and access Cookies on customers’ computers. By using Cookies, our chain store can collect information such as customers’ browsing history within the website via web browsers or official apps. Additionally, we may provide information collected in our chain store's Cookies to our business partners. Customers have the option to refuse to accept new Cookies, display warnings when receiving Cookies, or disable the use of Cookies through their browser settings.

※Cookies are information sent from a server computer to a customer's browser and stored on the hard disk of the customer’s computer.
(2)What we do using Cookies on the website operated by our chain store (including this website, service websites operated by our chain store, buyback application websites, Bookoff official online store, official apps, hereinafter referred to as "the Website")

We utilize Cookies on the Website for the following purposes:
-To provide customized services for each customer by referencing the stored customer registration information when customers log into the Website
-To maintain security, prompting customers who have been inactive on the Website for a certain period to re-enter their password (re-authenticate)
-To display the most relevant advertisements on other company’s websites based on the content of customers’ interests and their usage on the Website
-To study the number of users and traffic on the Website
-To improve the service on the Website

Additionally, the Website may store and refer to Cookies via LINE Yahoo! and Google, as these companies are entrusted with the delivery of our website's advertisements.

Cookie Opt-Out
If you wish to disable Cookies-based advertising, please click the link below to opt-out:

Google Ads Opt-Out Page( https://support.google.com/My-Ad-Center-Help/answer/12155764?hl=en&visit_id=638508420096845324-3272318436&rd=1
Yahoo! Ads Opt-Out Page( http://btoptout.yahoo.co.jp/optout/preferences.html)※in Japanes
AppsFlyer Ads Opt-Out Page( https://www.appsflyer.com/optout
ActiveCore Ads Opt-Out Page( https://www.activecore.jp/optout.php)※in Japanes

【Support Desk】

Book-Off Customer Service Center
Phone: 0570-01-2902
Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. (open year-round)